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Slideshow Addon

The Slideshow addon empowers you to create a stunning slider with unlimited styling and rich content options.
Each slider item brings layered settings for the slider contents.

Imperial Slideshow!

Slideshow addon comes with 4 different types of slider controllers: Bullet, Line, Arrow, and Image Thumbnail. You can make your own style for each of these controller types. Customize their position, enable/disable the indicator, and choose a style from the predefined ones. The bullet/line styling options can be found under their respective names.

Unlimited Layers...

Innovative Slider Timer
When you want to take the full control over how to fit your slider's inner contents properly, then you need something more advanced like grid controlling. To take this control, open a slider's inner content settings panel and define how many grids you want to allocate for that specific content.

Elegant Animation Effects.

The Slideshow addon empowers you to create a stunning slider with unlimited styling and rich content options.
This is Great!

Let's Run It


Let's Burn Some Calories!
Metabolic Rate is the rate at which the body burns up calories.
A body that consumes 2500 calories a day, and burns 2500 calories a day will stay at the same weight.

Versatile content types & unlimited styling

After adding the background image for a slider, you’ll be seeing the options to insert more slider contents.
While adding a slider content, you’ll be asked to select the type of content from the given 5: title, text, image, button, and icon.
Every type of content has its own animation effects and styling options.


Fancy Slider Counter

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks


Slider Grid Control

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks


Animation Effects

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks

Slideshow's Amazing Features:

  • Versatile slider content types
  • Unlimited slider content styling
  • Dedicated slider controller
  • Elegant animation effects
  • Innovative slider timer
  • Fancy slider counter
  • Simple container adjustment
  • Effortless slider grid control
  • Custom CSS styling option

Dedicated slider controller

The addon comes with 4 different types of slider controllers: Bullet, Line, Arrow, and Image Thumbnail. You can make your own style for each of these controller types. Customize their position, enable/disable the indicator, and choose a style from the predefined ones. The indicator styling can be controlled from “Bullet/Line Center Style”.
You can style and position the controllers the way you like. The Arrow controller comes with even more versatility. There are 2 arrow styles, 4 content styles, content modification and dedicated styling features for both normal and hover state.

Innovative slider timer

It’s something that can increase the number of your visitors, and make them like your site even more. It visualizes the time delay for the next slider and that anticipation makes the next slider even more attractive.

Elegant animation effects

The Slideshow addon comes with 6 predefined animation effects for a slider. Choosing one will give you access to make modifications. You can enable/disable autoplay, set the interval time, and control the sliding speed easily.

Elegant Animation Effects

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks

Versatile Content
Types & Unlimited Styling

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks

Slider Timer & Animations

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks

Introducing Innovative

Slider Timer

Read More

Introducing The Amazing

Animation Effects

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Introducing Fancy

Slider Counter

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Slideshow AddonSlider / Carousel / SlideshowAll in One Solution

3D Slideshow

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks

Container Adjustment

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks

Slider Grid Control

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero section with
the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See Blocks


Animation Effects

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero
section with the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See BlocksLearn More


Fancy Slider

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero
section with the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See BlocksLearn More


Slider Timer

Want to make your website more attractive? Get a stunning hero
section with the Slideshow addon in Flex.
See BlocksLearn More

About "Coffee House"

Best Coffee You Can Find

This is title of the Slideshow addon!
This is title of the Slideshow addon!
This is title of the Slideshow addon!

The Best Of



The Best Of


If science fiction is the mythology of modern technology, then its myth is modern.

- John B. Etton

When you want to take the full control over how to fit your slider's inner contents properly, then you need something more advanced.

- Joo M. Shaper

With the Slideshow addon, you can easily control the slider content container to ensure that the contents fit properly in a slider.

- George S. Cott

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